Fire From Heaven

“In whatever situation the Lord has you, regardless of the battlefield, we are fighting for His glory and not our own. He must become greater. I must become less. How can you, in your very specific area of influence, with the skill set that you've been given by the Lord, be a warrior for the kingdom of Christ?”

- Pastor Steve

What Do You Want?

“So to simplify it…if we want God, we will want the things that He wants. And if our desire for Him, comes from the heart, our desire to do what pleases Him will also come from the heart. And we will seek to please Him with our hands, with our mouths, with our minds, and with all of our lives.”

- Pastor Josh

Building on a Right Foundation

“Our hope is found in Christ. Let us tell the world that our hope is found in Christ, that our strength is found in Christ. Let us tell the world that our forgiveness is found in Christ. Let us tell the world that our salvation is found in Christ. Let us tell the world that it is all about Christ.”

- Pastor Josh